
Optimal Catan

Settlers of Catan (SoC) is a German board game from the mid 90’s that found mainstream success in America in the late–00’s. To summarize the game: the board consists of 19 hexagonal resources tiles and these tiles get numbered markers (2–12). There are five resources, lumber, sheep, ore, brick, and wheat. These are used to […]

Humor Review

“Game X” Is Only as Fun as…

Keystone gameplay elements, called so because if they’re taken out the game isn’t that much fun anymore. I started thinking about this during a bitter game of Overwatch and I’ve applied it here to bunch of other games: Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) is only as fun as the loot you find in the first five […]


Alto’s Odyssey Review

I place the first game, Alto’s Adventure, high in the echelons of great iOS games. Alto’s Odyssey builds on the simplicity of Adventure in just the right ways. While I still greatly recommend the first game, after playing all the way through Odyssey I’m starting to think you should skip it entirely. The core difference […]