Part 1: Part 2: Crazy secret about these videos, they were filmed back in December 2009! Yup it took me this long to edit them, definitely one of the bigger things I’ve recently done though, feels good to post them. Hope they help!
oh boy! One Handed Cubing
All of a sudden I found out that OH cubing with the Alpha V also works really well, I’m even thinking of getting a second one so that I can have one more tuned for OH and the other more for 2H. Here’s the Cubemania graph of my OH times to show it. I just […]
The Rubik’s Touchcube Review + Pics
Is this just another one of Rubik’s Inc.’s last breath, gimmicky, non-turning products like the Rubik’s 360 and the Revolution? Read on to find out. (Click on any of the pictures below for the full size. The blues, whites, and yellows didn’t come though on the camera so well I touched them up as best […]
So episode 10 was posted the other day, and it’s the episode where I really decided to stop making Tip of the Week for a while, mostly because I don’t have the same resources here to work with, and I don’t think I’ll have as much time to make videos overall. (see the final episode […]