
Enigmachine 1.1

Enigmachine has always been a strange pet project of mine. While the free version (when it was offered) was actually my most popular app, I didn’t like having it out there because it was so inferior to the full version and what I wanted the app to be. I deleted it recently and decided to put more effort into imroving Enigmachine. The paid version itself also sold approximately a dozen and a half in the time that I offered it. Something had to change.

  • Better interface the split text views got uglier and uglier everytime I looked at it. It hit me a few weeks ago that it was redundant, so were the tabs at the bottom, so I unified it all. The copy and paste buttons were upfront in 1.0 and could obscure longer bits of text, they ultimately contributed to clutter so I unified those too in an action bar that goes with the key input.
  • Name Change I was going to call this release “Salata” the Finnish word for encryption. When showing this to someone they noted how the name means nothing to every non-Finnish user browsing the AppStore. I decided keep the original name and to just make the “M” lower case, the arguement there is that it’s Instagram not InstaGram.
  • Sharing I really want people to use this to communicate in code between each other. It’s oddly fun receiving a message of seemingly random characters and then decrypting it to find some hidden meaning. Now it’s even easier with Twitter and Email integration, you can send your hidden messages right from the app. No more highlight, copy, paste required.

I definitely like 1.1 a lot more when testing it, and I hope that it will be seen as an overall better app than 1.0 and used more frequently. It can be downloaded here. (99¢ usually but It’s free for the first week of release, you have nothing to lose!)

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