
An Intriguing and Very Intuitive System

So here’s what I find out: I get better times when I can establish a 2x2x2 block in the corner. So you think: oh Petrus, cool you should try / use it.

Here’s the contradicting statement though, I only have enough brain power right now to plan the 2x2x2 block, and only just enough. This means that anything beyond that, the other two first layer edges, and the three other slots, is entirely intuitive. I basically have to spot and insert, then go from there!

Oddly enough it has been working kind of well. It’s very flexible at this point, while I start off by solving the 2x2x2 block on the Blue-Orange-White side, if I so happen to insert the next slot before the edge, then it’s a 2x2x3 block. From there I can decide which the edge will be placed into the first layer, and ultimately which color the LL is. It’s all very strange, and no doubt sounds all too much like Petrus, people have said that I use Petrus in many of my 3×3 videos, even though I’m using nothing close to it.

But dont celebrate yet, I’ll have to try this system out more, a lot more before I can deduce if it is actually faster or not. I’ll see if I can capture a Sunday Contest average with it this weekend. Until next time, keep cubing!

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